childhood hunger

What happens when a child faces hunger? 1 in 6 kids in Georgia is at risk for hunger meaning they may struggle in school – and beyond. Feeding Georgia leads the fight to end childhood hunger in Georgia.  We educate the public and low-income parents about the programs that provide food to hungry kids.

Our advocacy efforts at the state and federal level protect those programs and expand their reach through streamlined rules and regulations.  Our member food banks create a “community of practice” to share best practices and innovative ideas with other nonprofit organizations to accelerate the growth of programs throughout the state.

Feeding Georgia member food banks operate programs for children that provide food in “out of school” settings like summer meal sites, after-school enrichment programs, and weekend backpacks. Everyone has a role to play to ensure that no child goes to bed hungry in Georgia. We work together with public officials, nonprofits, community and faith-based groups, private funders and businesses to increase the availability and access to nutritious food for children in Georgia where they live, play and learn.

Learn more about the impact of hunger here.

Our Partners:


Summer Meals Information:

  • Summer Food Service Fact Sheet

After School Meals Information:

General Information: